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Faculty Certification

The Office of Distance Learning supports faculty in their efforts to earn ULearn certifications. Over 300 faculty have become ULearn Certified:

  • ULearn Certified Online Teacher: recognizes faculty who have completed training on current online teaching methodologies, pedagogies, and tools in order to prepare them to deliver quality online and hybrid courses.
  • ULearn Certified Course Designer: recognizes faculty who have completed training to develop and design their own online or hybrid course in accordance with national design standards of quality.


Since Spring 2014, faculty assigned to teach an online or hybrid course must hold one ULearn faculty certification listed above in order to be in compliance with the University Council-adopted policy on faculty certification (see "Development and Delivery of Locally Produced Electronic Courses" section within Guiding Policies).

Prior to enrolling in these training opportunities, faculty must obtain department head approval endorsing their participation and then contact the instructional designer to confirm a training plan.