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The UL Lafayette Distance Learning Leadership Council acknowledges the following organizations, institutions, and individuals for contributing to this document:

  • Northwestern State University, Office of Electronic and Continuing Education (ECE), for granting use of their policy and procedure manual as the base for the UL Lafayette document.
  • Western Commission for Educational Telecommunications (WCET) for allowing reprinting of their best practice policies for student authentication.
  • Myk Garn from the Southern Regional Education Board and Sean Traigle from the Center for Adult Learning in Louisiana (CALL) for consulting on a licensing procedure for UL Lafayette to adopt.
  • Members of the CAFÉ task force chaired by Dr. Phil Auter for leadership on designing the core training and course certification elements of this document.
  • Members of the Faculty Incentives task force chaired by Ms. Anita Hazelwood for recommending the non-financial and financial incentives for course design that are included in this policy document.
  • Members of the Policy and Procedure task force chaired by Dean Gordon Brooks for providing a solid foundation document from which the DL Leadership Council edited and made changes.