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Hybrid Course Design Awards

Geaux Hybrid!

Re-imagine the class experience. Combine the best of face-to-face and online learning.
Check out this Hybrid Learning video.

The Office of Distance Learning seeks to increase the number of strategic hybrid course offerings. By dedicating existing distance learning budget resources, the Office of Distance Learning is making a significant investment in this initiative by offering a limited number of course design awards.

Submit Hybrid Course Design Award Application
by March 21, 2017 at 5pm.

Upcoming Interest Meetings

Learn more by attending an upcoming interest meeting.

  • Tuesday, March 7 from 2-3pm in the Dupre Library Bib Lab (1st Floor)
  • Friday, March 10 from 9-10am in the Dupre Library Bib Lab (1st Floor)

Benefits of Hybrid Course Offerings

  • Combine best assets of face-to-face teaching and online learning
  • Helps working students blend their schedules and manage their time
  • 25% of revenue from distance learning course fee for hybrid courses given to offering Department
  • Department can invest course fee funds on facility upgrades for classrooms where hybrid courses are taught

Competition Levels

There are two course design award levels.

  • Level A – Create a new hybrid undergraduate or graduate course
    • $3,333/4 credit course
    • $2,500/3 credit course
    • $1,667/2 credit course
  • Level B – Significantly improve an existing hybrid course design
    • $500 regardless of number of credit hours awarded or course level (undergraduate/graduate)

Course design stipends are available for an individual or a group of course designers. Preference given to the following:

Lecture Courses

  • In which adaptive learning technologies could personalize the learning experience
  • In which a flipped classroom model could be implemented

Graduate Courses

  • As a proof of concept for a program considering transitioning to a hybrid format
  • For a high demand course that allows better use of limited facilities


The deadline to complete the application is Tuesday, March 21, 2017, at 5 PM.

Application Submission

The application process includes two components:

  • Signed Endorsement Form
  • Proposal (Not to exceed one page with 12-point font and 1-inch margins)
    • Level A - Describe your plans to design a new hybrid course.
    • Level B - Describe your plans to improve your existing course design and why these improvements are important. Significant improvements include the integration of two or more of the following changes identified by the Faculty Incentives Task Force:
      • Course Design Template
      • Upgrade to Moodle tools / resources / features to enhance the student experience
      • New textbook (not a new edition of an old textbook; rather, new book with potentially more publisher content online)
      • Turnitin (to promote quality and authentication)
      • Media elements (such as the use of web conferencing, lecture-capture, etc.)
      • Student authentication components