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Types of Instructional Videos

1. Lecture Video

This is a simple video recording of the instructor (or other individual) speaking directly to the camera.

This might also take the form of an interview or discussion between two or more individuals.

Learn how: Recording a Lecture with Panopto

2. PowerPoint/Slide Voiceover Lecture Video

This type of video is typified by the instructor providing voiceover narration while advancing through a presentation slidedeck similar to what might be done during a traditional face-to-face lecture.

This is one of the most popular types of instructional video and is among the easiest for most faculty to create.

Learn how: Recording a Lecture with PowerPoint

3. Screen Capture Video

In this scenario, the instructor is recording their computer screen as they demonstrate using a particular piece of software or, alternatively, visiting different websites.

This process is similar to a Voiceover Lecture Video in that they both require recording the computer screen.

Learn how: Recording a Software Demonstration Using Zoom

4. Live Action Video

In this scenario, the instructor is recording themselves (or someone else) physically "doing" something, such as sewing fabric or welding metal.

Due to the nature of live action demonstrations, the action is often capture from multiple camera angles simultaneously to provide a complete view of techniques and equipment being demonstrated.

Learn how: Recording a Live Action Demonstration

5. Animated Videos

Animated videos are great for explaining general concepts or workflows of how things progress. They also don't require any recording equipment or special expertise.

Want to make videos without actually recording yourself? Animated videos may be for you!

Learn how: Creating Animated Videos with Doodly