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FLC Program Overview

Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs) offer new opportunities for faculty to improve student learning and collaborate across disciplines.

To facilitate the creation of these communities, the Office of Distance Learning will provide stipends to support topic-based FLCs focused on a specific pedagogy, technique, or technology with the potential to innovate teaching and learning.

Call for Proposals

Each FLC will be led by a facilitator. Those faculty interested in leading an FLC should submit a proposal through the CFP portal outlining their topic and its potential to enhance the design and delivery of hybrid and online courses. 

Read more about facilitator qualifications, expectations and stipends

Member recruitment

Once facilitators are selected, the Office of Distance Learning will extend an invitation for faculty, staff, and graduate students across UL Lafayette to join and take an active role in one of the FLCs. Each community will recruit up to 8 members who will meet at least monthly over the course of the academic year, participate in FLC activities, and contribute to the completion of core deliverables.

Community Activities and Core Deliverables 

FLCs are required to meet at least monthly (with a minimum of eight meetings during the academic year). FLCs are encouraged to meet more often if necessary to achieve the core deliverables outlined below.

There will be an in-person orientation for all FLC members in the Fall semester.

FLCs are required to complete three core deliverables by the conclusion of the Spring semester: 

  • Achieve the goals and deliverables identified by the FLC.
    • These may include (but are not limited to) seminars, retreats, conference presentations, teaching projects, applications for new course designs, white papers, resource pages, webinars, Moodle resource courses, surveys, videos, blogs, vlogs, podcasts, infographics, grant applications, and publications.
  • Give a presentation on the FLC’s activities at the FLC Showcase in the Spring semester.
  • Disseminate results by generating content to be shared via the DL website or other relevant means.


The Office of Distance Learning will lead an evaluation of the program. All FLC members are expected to participate in the evaluation.

Project Timeline

  • Sept. 11, 2023: Submit a proposal to facilitate an FLC.
  • Sepember 2023: Complete the Facilitator Orientation.
  • October 2023: Select members and begin meeting with your community.
  • Fall 2023 – Spring 2024: Conduct all required FLC activities described above. FLC Facilitators will also be required to attend monthly facilitator meetings.
  • May 2024: Complete all required deliverables.